Simple Tye Dye Key Shirt
Easy and Fun are my favorite kind of projects; so what better than a Tye Dye shirt?! It is perfect for summer and on trend for 2019!
Things You Will Need:
-Fabric Dye (I used RIT Dye)
-Popsicle Sticks (for stirring)
-Rubber Bands
-White Cotton Shirt
My Black & White Keys Tank top is FREE with any $50.00 purchase from THIS WEEKEND ONLY! Use the Code “FREETANK” at checkout! While Supplies last, Cart must be $50.00 before tax and shipping.
-Trash Bag or Tarp
-Rubber Gloves
One of my favorite parts are Tye Dying is that there is no wrong way to do it! This is the perfect project to do with friends, children or yourself…we all need ME and self-care time; treat yourself!
Typically when I am Tye Dying I like to wet my garment completely to ensure the dye flows easier; this could work to your advantage or disadvantage dependent on how detailed you want your designs to be. I would keep the garment dry if you’re trying to do something complex; wet if you’re just trying to get some nice color mixing going! From here I then pinch random spots of fabric and give them a simple twirl, secure it with a rubber band and repeat until you have your desired amount of twirled knots!
Now the fun part. I decided to keep it simple with two colors of fabric dye, Magenta and Cyan, I chose these two because I knew if they mixed it would make purple and I like purple. Make sure to pop on your gloves to avoid possible “Smurf’dom” and carefully pour your dyes onto those twirled knots; dependent on how you poor will determine what kind of spiral look you’re doing to get. I did a few pours around the twirls and pouring dye on each side, I honestly just kind of went crazy and hoped for the best.
Let your garment rest so that the dye can take hold for about 20-30 minutes. When you’re ready, rinse the item out in the sink (or hose if you’re outside) and throw it in machine to wash the remaining dye out! Hang the garment to dry and marvel at your masterpiece.